

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

White Chocolate Rocky Road

I have no idea if this is a retro recipe, but it has marshmallows in it and this is retro enough for me. I give you this recipe but I want to warn you, this rocky road is addictively delicious;)


600 g white chocolate (you can of course also use milk or dark chocolate)

A bag of marshmallows

A handful of your favorite nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, ...)

200 gr. good quality soft gums.

50 gr. dried cranberies or raisins

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt them in the microwave (+/- 1.5 min.) Put the chocolate in the microwave again when everything has not melted.

Meanwhile, cut the other ingredients into small pieces. Mix everything with the chocolate and pour into a mold covered with baking paper.

Let everything stiffen in the fridge for a few hours. Once hard you can cut everything into (small) pieces and enjoy.

Easy, delicious and MMM ... so sweet!

Miss Poppy

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

How to deal with toxic people

 Everyone at one time has toxic people in their lives. This can really be very harmful for your wellbeing.

The best thing to do is cut them comepletely out of your live. But sadly that isn't always possible. And sometimes you have to find a way to deal with them.

  1. Don't take their conduct personally. This is all about them, not you. Just try to ignore their behavior as much as possible.
  2. Don't engage in their attempt to throw you of balance. They will try to manipulate you and work on your sense of responsibility and use your loved ones against you. They have the talent to revert the situation so you become the villain. This can be very frustrating but defending yourself will be in vaine, sadly.
  3. Don't expect them to do "the right thing". Often they lack a sence of empathy and can only see the world from their point of view. 
  4. That said, it doesn't mean you have to accept their behavior. You have to set bounderies with these people. Somethimes in a very harsh way because otherwise they don't get it.
  5. Try to stay in a loving place towards them. They often don't realize that they are in a bad place and are struggling with themselves. Also, again, don't take their behavior personally. They treat everyone like this.
  6. They may try to get under your skin and try to convince you that you are the bad person, all because you're standing up for yourself. And they are very good in convincing others in reversing things so you'll be the one with the bad attitude (that's also called gaslighting) and they are the victim. Stand your ground and do not question yourself, and no, you are not over sensitive.
All that said, there is no easy way to deal with them. I've experienced that myself in my own family.
They can really do a lot of harm and destroy relationships sadly.

Stay safe,
Miss Poppy