

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Dress to impress part 2: Less is more

As you probably know. To much of a good thing can be overdoing it and create an opposite effect. Especially with make up, this is good advice. This is a mistake many women make. You shouldn't see your make up. If you have a beauty mark, use it as a distinguished feature. Freckles? Don't cover them up. 
Also, make the difference in your day & night  make up. If you use full night make up all day, there's no room to spice things up for a special occasion. Despite our attempt to attract men with fals eyelashes and pouty red lips, it can all be a bit to much for them. We want them to see us as the classy, stylish galls we are, so don't spoil that with glitter and gloss. 
We live in a world were the motto rules: Don't like it? Fix it. But we should learn to work with what we have and highlight our good features. And yes, it's not always easy, espececially in this perfect fake world. But we always have something we like about yourselves and there's a way to bring it out even more.

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

If after all of that, you feel like some stylish shopping. Then head on over to our webshop.

Miss Poppy

Source: How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton world - Jordan Christy

Monday, 18 June 2018

1940's pin up girl hair tutorial.

1940's hair is very easy and practical to wear on a daily basis. Usually the hair is finished with a bandana and gets a spicy rockabilly look.

At pinterest I found a super fun tutorial that is fairly easy. The advantage is that you can start straight hair, so you do not have to make an effort the day before to turn pincurls and sleep with them.

Here he is: Thanks to TWISTMEPRETTY

Now, you can find a machting outfit on the webshop

Miss Poppy

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Why I started Misspoppywear!

Many people ask me how I came into retro clothing, but few people ask why I sell these clothes. And I started to think about that, because everyone can sell clothes ... So what makes Misspoppywear so special?

Now, our motto is:

'The strongest action for a woman is to love herself,

I used to be someone that was consirered as: Nothing good will come of her, she's a weak person. I know what it feels like when people literally give you up on you or when they look down on you. And because I strongly believe that every woman can and especially has the right to shine, I ended up in retro.

Because retro clothing respects women, every kind of women. These beautiful garments simply bring out the best in you, they respect the feminine curves and even applaud them (not like with regular clothing where we are always reminded how around our buttocks are) And that's why I love these clothes. But also the entire retro atmosphere, the ritual to harmonize your hairstyle and clothing in the morning ... With respect and love, underlining the woman in yourself. Simply love yourself as you are.

This evolution is also underway in men and I can only applaud this. We see a huge boom in barbers and more and more men think about their look.

I am sure that retro can play a major role in this evolution. Retro clothing underlines style, class and elegance and is numb to trends.

Retro rules!
Miss Poppy,

PS: Take a look at the webshop, there are still sales!

Monday, 11 June 2018

Ten basic pieces to start a vintage chic wardrobe.

These 10 pieces are easy to find and can be combined for a classy, iconic look:

  1. Ballerina's, you can wear them at the office, on holidays or for an afternoon shopping. Comfy and elegant.
  2. Capripants, they are alround summer trousers for women, if you combine them with a white blouse, you have a classic chic look.
  3. A cardigan, this items goes almost on anything, and is superhandy for when it gets a bit chilly. 
  4. A chanel coat, you can wear this coat for any occasion and it fits well on a classic dress aswell on your favorite jeans.
  5. Camelcoat, this is a classic wintercoat that gives you immediately that stylish flair. If you can affort it buy one in cashmere or at least a good synthetic fiber.
  6. A white blouse, this is a great basic piece that fits for any occasion and on almost anything. It's chic and simple. It can be pared with jeans, a long skirt, shorts and much more.
  7. Kitten heels, these can replace your killer heels on the weekday. Most of them are comfy enough to walk in all day and the're still very flattering.
  8. The little black dress, yes I coudn't make this list without that. Dependant on the occasion, you can combine the dress with a jeans jacket, silk scarf or pumps.
  9. Navy sweater, everyone remembers Brigitte Bardot in her striped sweater. This sweater is exceptionally great to wear on a stormy day at the beach. Try to get one with a boatneck.
  10. Plissé skirt, yes I know not everyone likes them and you have to be careful not to turn into some stiff nanny. But combined with ballet flats and a French twist in you hair, you can look super sophisticated.
Capri pants

 Navy sweater

Plissé skirt

White blouse

This is only a small list but it's a start.
Want to add something to your closet?
Then check out the webshop.

Miss Poppy

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Tips to travel solo

When travelling solo you are more likely to run in to yourself, and that can be a frightning experience. So here are a few tips to survive a solotrip.

  1. Be organized and prepair your trip. Allow yourself some luxury like a taxi from the airport to your hotel. 
  2. Keep it simple the first days and explore the surroundings, let yourself adapt to a slower pace. 
  3. If you are like me a bit of an anxious person you need to take this step by step. Remember, you’re on holidays so you don’t have to do anything. It could be that after a few days you get tired or have a bad day. Accept it and just go with it. Take a long siesta or have a nice cry. Sometimes is just everyday stress catching up with you. 
  4. Take some books with you to cover the lonely moments. And maybe you can book something like taking a golfcourse... Enjoy the nature and the culture. 
  5. Try to connect other people. Booking in an all adult hotel could help you with that. Travelling alone is never easy but it's a brave thing to do and you will certainly learn something from it, if not to appreciate your home and family more.
  6. Not everyone is made for travelling, so if the first time you found out it wasn't your thing, so be it.

Just keep in mind that you are the most important person on this travel so don't feel obligated to see the 'popular spots'. And enjoy.

 Miss Poppy,
looking for some tropical outfit?
Have a look at the webshop.