As you probably know. To much of a good thing can be overdoing it and create an opposite effect. Especially with make up, this is good advice. This is a mistake many women make. You shouldn't see your make up. If you have a beauty mark, use it as a distinguished feature. Freckles? Don't cover them up.
Also, make the difference in your day & night make up. If you use full night make up all day, there's no room to spice things up for a special occasion. Despite our attempt to attract men with fals eyelashes and pouty red lips, it can all be a bit to much for them. We want them to see us as the classy, stylish galls we are, so don't spoil that with glitter and gloss.
We live in a world were the motto rules: Don't like it? Fix it. But we should learn to work with what we have and highlight our good features. And yes, it's not always easy, espececially in this perfect fake world. But we always have something we like about yourselves and there's a way to bring it out even more.