

Monday, 16 July 2018

Want confidence? Then find your inner sparkle.

Some people always seem to be confident, even when things are not going that well. That's because they have found their inner sparkle. Your inner sparkle gives you that extra support to stay confident and positive. It's an inner state that is pretty much unshakable. Now, how can you find this inner sparkle? Here are a few tips.

  1. Ask a friend what your best qualities are.
  2. Believe her.
  3. Concentrate on these good qualities and give them attention.
  4. Cherish them, work on them, and make them grow.
  5. Be proud of these attributes.
  6. When you get a compliment, accept it.
  7. Think of how you can use these talents to benefit others.
  8. Be generous in triumph and in thanks.
  9. Believe in your value and do not let any circumstance make you doubt yourself.
  10. Let your personality win from your looks.
Now, be kind to yourself you won't be able to get the hang of it at once. The message is: practice, practice, practice. Be proud of what you are.

And smile,
Miss Poppy

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